"As a former high school, collegiate and semi-pro athlete myself, I often think back on 'glory days' with equal parts reverence and regret. The memories made, friendships formed, and self-efficacy gained by playing athletics at multiple levels are undeniably important components of a child's physical and mental development.
Yet, I often find myself thinking just as much about 'what I'd do differently' and 'I wish I knew then what I know now' patterns of thought.
Our sports mentorship program is designed to help bolster the positives of the former, while closing the gaps of the latter."
How do we do this?
By addressing the biggest issues facing young athletes and their parents.
"What is appealing to me as a former athlete, sporting goods industry veteran, and now...competitive sports dad - is the oftentimes young athletes simply do not connect with parents, coaches, and other players - even teammates."
"They need a guide. A mentor."